Main Banner National Association of Christian Leading Ladies


We are professional Christain women who desire to excel in both ministry and business. No gimmicks, get the support you need at the level you are working on!

The Premier Community For Multifaceted Christian Women!


Are you ready to join a community of like minded ladies who are all working to impact the world for Christ? Then this may be the community for  you! We are happy to uplift and engage all Sisters in Service!


You have heard it said that consistency is key. There is definitely some truth to that! We take every opportunity to be available for you and help you achieve your goals in both ministry & business. As long as “you show up for you” we will be here to walk with you!


We want nothing less than to see you succeed and walk in the fullness of your calling as a Leading Lady! Get connected with us and stay connected… you will become the powerhouse that God showed you you are! Take advantage of our growing network to help facilitate that vision!

Join NACLL and Get…

Mentorship at the NACLL

World Class


Network Directory at the NACLL

Endorsed Listing In Our


Women's Community at the NACLL
A Growing & Thriving


Growth Strategies at the NACLL
Ministry & Business


Build Impact, Influene, and Income With the NACLL

Build  Your Kingdom


Network and Meet Others at the NACLL

In-Person & Virtual


NACLL Worldwide International Outreach

NACLL Worldwide!

Although the NACLL is based in the US we are committed to serving Christian Leading Ladies and professionals worldwide. We are actively seeking national & international representatives to join our efforts in expanding our network globally.

Our goal is to create a supportive and impactful community for Christian women professionals, offering mentorship, networking opportunities, and resources to encourage growth in both ministry and business.

You feel the excitement of building so I invite you to join us in purpose to build a community that goes beyond geographical boundaries. Fill out our contact form HERE to inquire about joining our Leadership team!

About Our Founder

I’m First Lady Akilah Hart

And for over two decades, I have been helping 🦋 Women of Purpose just like you become 👑 Leading Ladies in ministry & business!

Because I am a “Pastor’s Wife” since 2004 and an entrepreneur since 1999,  I am uniquely equipped to help you become the woman of God you see yourself as and help you fully embrace your calling in both ministry & business. 

I am totally dedicated to helping women embrace their callingdefine powerful purpose, and emerge as empowered 👑 Leading Ladies in ministry & business.  READ MORE

Lady Akilah Hart | How You Doing

“She is such an awesome epitome of a woman. I am blessed to have the opportunity to be taught by her. Her style, grace, and elegance, a true woman of excellence.”

Tracey Davis

First Lady, Greater New Life Worship Center

In today’s class on Perfectionism, I learned I need to “set realistic goals,” and more importantly for me “practice being kind to myself.” The “It’s Perfect Method,” is a new concept for me that  i know will help me!”

Dr. Gloria J. Nichols

Founder, Moments of Inspiration

Who Belongs to the NACLL…

pastors WiVES




Media Personalities


nonprofit founders

elders WIVES

event planners

industry EXPERTS


Business owners



political leaders

minsters wiVES


ministry leaders

thought leaders

service providers

subject matter experts

Deacons WIVES



and so many more!

You belong Here!

The National Association of Christian Leading Ladies is waiting on YOU!
You’re unique vision serves the Kingdom of God and Sis we are stronger together.
By joining the NACLL you get the benefit of years of knowledge, experience accelerated growth, and participate in a beautiful community of professional Christian women that is second to none!